Casino Card Game
With the right passion for the game you can be sure to win big
How to Play
With just few simple steps you can be sure that all you casino needs are fulfilled.
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Setting Up the Game
All you have to do is sign in and you will reach your gaming destination.
Capturing Cards
With us you can be sure that you are given the boost to help start you off.
Creating Bulids
We can make sure that you have the right build to help you move ahead.
Points in Casino Card Game
With us you can be sure to produce points which can help you started on the game.
Catch the Winning Spirit!

Card Game Strategy
If you want to learn all the card game strategies you can be sure to click the button given.
Rules & Variants of Casino Card Game
We have a wide array of casino cards games. You can select the game which you are comfortable playing and start to earn yourself some much needed coins.
Tips & Guidelines
How to Play Casino Card Game: Tips and Guidelines
The casino card game can have quite a few things to remember for a beginner. However, learning is easy, and playing is a lot of fun. It requires a standard deck and two to four players. Each player is dealt four cards, and four cards are placed face-up in the middle. The first turn is taken by the player to the left of the dealer. Each of the player plays with one card from his/her hand with the objective of capturing as many cards as possible. The player places the card face-up on the table for the other players to see before he uses it to build or capture. Cards can be captured in any of the following ways:
1. Capturing by Pairing – A card can be captured if a card from the player’s hand matches the number of a card in the middle. The player puts his card down and then collects the pair for counting points at the end of the game.
2. Capturing by Combining – Numerical cards can be captured by the player if the total value of the cards adds up to match the value of a card in the player’s hand. For example, a player with 6 can capture 4 and 2.
3. Capturing by Pairing and Combining – A player can play the two moves together if the middle cards support both the moves. For instance, if a player has a 6 and the middle has 4, 2 and 6, the player can take the combination and the pair.
4. Building – A player can build a combination on the middle pile by adding to it a card from his hand if he has a card that supports the combination. For instance, if the player has a 4 and 6 in hand, and there is 2 in the middle pile, the player can place the 4 on the 2 and declare, “building 6”. The player may not capture the build until his next turn. However, if any other player has a 6, he may steal the build before the original player’s turn.
5. Building on build – A player can build on any other player’s build if he has a card that is the total of the three cards in the build. For instance, in the above example, has a 7 and Ace, he/she could declare “building seven” by adding Ace to the build. Similarly, the player has to wait until the next turn to capture the build if no other player does it.
6. Trailing – If for any strategic reason, a player cannot capture any cards, he can lay off a card and play a card in the middle. Other players can capture or use this card.